ugh...i know it's bad
Saturday night..staying at home..with no EPL to watch..
but lucky me..everyone is home..
a dose of PES followed by watching REC 2 together in our own home-made cinema made the night already..
more than enough..more than i could ask for..
yep, i know, it's not so freakin' fun and feverish night..
but i'll get used to that..no problemo..i'm a big guy..:)
life is hard though...(all of sudden...hehe)
no more bragging...anyway..live life to the fullest fellas..
let's eat.pray....and do the same thing again and again..yeah..
mission to SPAIN : a bit rocky rite now..but under control..sigh..:(
Big fan manutd? diorang hebat sekaranggggg ! :)
haha..mmg da hebat da dr dlu..nie msti baru sokong eh..?
yeke hebat? hehehe. :P
mana ada baru minat -.- dah lamee dah. tapi sekaranggg laa game mu gempakk eventho ronaldo sengal tu takde :)
but still kena catchup dengan celsi tu :D
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