it's freaking cold outside..:(
no mooooooood to do anything
besides curling in my comfortable comfy comforter..:)
and digging out my laptop to search any movie to watch
and finally i have some urge and appetite to brag something here
at least people know that i'm alive..
yup..back from hurghada..
it was great
new experience
bloody awesome..:)
to cut it short..
"what happens in hurghada stays in hurghada"..
yeah..everybody agrees with that
check this out :
credit to zahin for those pictures..
nice brotha..:D hehe
and who knows next time
fate and money will bring me to some place called
yeah...let the rumour circles around along the wind
for the time being...
i guess..
how bout' your holidays fellas??
some thoughts of the day:
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
"Mark Twain"
p/s: congrats teammates...nice match...maybe another one in bag in Mansoura? insyallah
SPAIN sounds niceee. heee.
yea, lets rock mansouraa! :)
haha...nice2..kalo ko ade keta lagik nice hab..heeee
yup2...tapi yg pnting kne ade jersey dlu hab...heehe
no 3 dah jim..btw aku dah ade jersey real..ape agy..jom gerak spain!
haha..okla number 3..ko aa tunggak kubang...ak menumpang je,..hehe...bley je gerak espana..hehe
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